Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I am back in town...

I had an absolutely beautiful vacation weekend with the BF. Did an enormous amount of sightseeing and MILES of walking up hills, stairs, sand, around crowds, through aquariums, around town, all over Chinatown. I'm glad I packed the good shoes.

Back to reality.

SBD-wise, I did pretty good. Since we went to San Francisco, I did indulge in a bit of sourdough bread but that was about it. Lots of omelettes and cheese, a few beers, one moderately sized pasta dinner. These meals were small and accompanied by LOooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooong walks. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

SBD Phase 1, Day 2

Two days into the diet and I'm feeling less bloated and full of energy. I won't say that I'm not going through withdrawl--I'm a bit cantankerous and I'm sure I'll be snappish to my fellow partners today at work.

Breakfast consisted of 1/4 cup egg whites/fake eggs, 35 g baby spinach and a slice of light colby jack. Quite filling.

Planet Fitness afterwards where I did the 30 minute workout. Protein shake (26g) at home.

Lunch will be ranch dip with yellow peppers.

I'm still not sure how I'll survive my vacation this weekend.

Monday, April 25, 2011

SBD Day 1, Phase 1

Breakfast today consisted of:

85g. baby spinach
1/3 c. 'Egg Beaters'-esque egg product from Costco
1 oz. Monterrey Jack cheese.

Quite a lovely, extremely low-carb omelette.

There is so much pasta, cake and candy hanging around the house, but after last night's feat of becomming a human garbage disposal, I am through.

Also, it's a sad fact that I'll be out of shape for this upcoming vacation, so I shall be forced to get a spray tan. Tanned fat looks better in pictures than super white/anemic fat. And yes, I'm taking a zillion pics.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny decided to leave lots of candy at my house this year, so I shall indulge for the next several hours, then I AM FINISHED!

Time to cut back on the carbs, at least the white flour and sugars.

Yeah, really easy to say. My house is full of almond rolls, bakery rye bread, frozen waffles, frozen cookie dough and other assorted tasty evils.


Here's a little goal: it's approximately 2 months until my 30-somethingth birthday. If I work my ass off at the gym at least 5-6 days a week while sticking to a reasonably low-carb diet, noticable changes could be possible. Also in approximately 2 months is a friends's wedding, and I REALLY want to fit into my lovely White House/Black Market dress I purchased for a wedding last May.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I am falling behind with the exercise and diet!

School is keeping me busy, as is work.

I am trying desperately to get in to see my doctor. Things aren't acting right and no amount of exercise will change that. Way cryptic there!

On top of everything, I'm going on vacation next Friday. San Francisco! At least I'm guaranteed a ton of walking...and a ton of sourdough.

I might have to re-start the South Beach Diet. Insulin resistance is a bitch.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Short and sweet...

I wish I had the self-discipline and drive necessary to run in the rain. :(

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And now for something completely different...

I'm starting school again! The classes begin tonight, so my gym routine will need to be altered for Wednesday and Thursday nights! I'm now on the slow, agonizing path toward becoming a lawyer! Wish me luck!