Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yep, too incredibly hot to run. Not an excuse...I just don't want to die.

Diet was a similar story. Today was 'Open Forum' for the district and I took part. And I ate. And ate. And ate:

-A Gardenburger on a bun with mustard.
-A second Gardenburger sans bun with mustard.
-A small cup of Turkish/Indonesian-style coffee with lots of sugar and condensed milk.
-Five ginger chews.
-Snack sized bag of Fritos.
-Two cans of Diet Coke.


A vegan s'more from Whole Foods.

All in all, not too terrible. My intestines are already confused.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alright. This is it. I am back.

This blog is now dedicated to running AND weight loss. I'm getting older and older and fat. I'm inactive and miserable and it's all going to stop RIGHT NOW!

Everything is going to change! I am finished with being lazy. I am no longer going to waste my 30's in a state like this.

Basically, every aspect in my life is going to change. It needs to change.

In a nutshell here's how it is--

Weight: probably about 136. It should be around 110.

Running: I am registered for the Detroit Marathon. I need to get moving and quit being lazy. I hope to finish in less than six hours.

Job: I work at Starbucks. I have a ridiculous amount of education. This does not add up. I WILL have a new job by December 2010. Why not before that? Simple; I have a major vacation planned for late October/early November. What new employer would hire someone only to have them disappear for three weeks?

Relationships: I need to become a newly energized individual. My boyfriend is probably getting sick of sitting around doing nothing with me. Learning new skills and developing new interests will help make things more interesting.

That's all for now.