Thursday, April 2, 2009


Not couting my weekly long walk, I have run 120.2 miles since January 13th!

Yesterday was a terrible run. Terrible, horrible run. I completely pooped out. Here's the long-ish story: I worked at 4:30 AM, grabbed a banana for breakfast. Had a cup of coffee at work. Got home around 10 AM, had a cracker. Went out for sushi (asparagus, egg and tofu) and then to Costco (samples of spinach pie and guacamole and chips.) Finally got home and attempted to run. After maybe a half-mile my energy was completely sapped and I eventually walk-runned for 41 minutes. Pathetic.

At the 5 mph pace I've been running for the past few weeks, the marathon will take me way over five hours. That's not counting a slowdown or bathroom stops. I really need to work on getting MUCH more protein in my diet or I will continue to have shitty workouts in the future.

Today's breakfast: omelet with American cheese, asparagus and mushrooms. No toast!