Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny decided to leave lots of candy at my house this year, so I shall indulge for the next several hours, then I AM FINISHED!

Time to cut back on the carbs, at least the white flour and sugars.

Yeah, really easy to say. My house is full of almond rolls, bakery rye bread, frozen waffles, frozen cookie dough and other assorted tasty evils.


Here's a little goal: it's approximately 2 months until my 30-somethingth birthday. If I work my ass off at the gym at least 5-6 days a week while sticking to a reasonably low-carb diet, noticable changes could be possible. Also in approximately 2 months is a friends's wedding, and I REALLY want to fit into my lovely White House/Black Market dress I purchased for a wedding last May.

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